Sunday 4 September 2011

0 bible sms

→ “God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask
or think, according to
the power that works in us.” – Ephesians 3: 20.
→ "Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved." -Psalm 55:22
→ Todays Promise :
The LORD is good to
those who wait for Him,
to the soul who seeks Him. Lamen.3:25
Fear not, wait and see
the wonder of the Lord.
→ “The godless in heart harbour resentment;
even when he fetters
them, they do not cry
for help.
They die in their
youth among male prostitutes of the shrines.
But those who suffer
he delivers in their suffering; he speaks
to them in their affliction.- Job. 36: 13-15.
→ The righteous cry, and
the Lord hears, and
delivers them out of all their troubles.- PSLAM 34:17.
If we ask anything to
the god, he hears that
and does for us when
we believe god and
follow his ways.
→ Remember to extol his work, which men have praised in song.
All mankind has seen it;
new gaze on it from afar.
How great is God-beyond our understanding.!
The number of his years
is past finding out.- Job. 36:24-26.
→ This month’s Promise :
The lions may grow
weak and hungry, but
those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.- Psalm 34:10
For those who put their trust on Jesus shall not
be hungry.
Have a BLESSED Month.!
→ Lord Says, “I Myself
will search for my sheep
and look after them”-Ezekiel 34:11
*The Lord cares for you. Put all your faith on Him. Jesus will give you peace
→ Do not long for the night,
to drag people away
from their homes.
Beware of turning to evil, which you seem to prefer to affliction.
“God is exalted in his power. Who is a teacher like him.?
Who has prescribed his ways for him, or said to him, ‘You have done wrong’?- Job. 36:20-23.
→ A third of your people
will die of the plague
or perish by famine
inside you; a third will
fall by the sword
outside your walls;
and a third I will scatter
to the winds and pursue with drawn sword.- Ezekial 5:12.
→ I saw that wisdom is
better than folly,
Just as light is better
than darkness.
The wise man has eyes
in his head, while the
fool walks in the darkness; but I came to realise
that the same fate overtakes them both.- Ecc. 2:13,14.
→ Therefore as surely
as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, because you have defiled my sanctuary with all your
vile images and detestable practices, I myself will withdraw my favour;
I will not look on you
with pity or spare you.- Ezekial 5:11
→ Submit yourselves for
the LORD’s sake to
every authority instituted
among men: whether
to the king, as the
supreme authority, or
to governers, who are
ent by him to punish
those who do wrong
and to commend those
who do right.
For it is God’s will that
by doing good you
should silence the
ignorant talk of foolish men.
1 Peter 2″13,15
→ The greatest challenge
in our life is to find someone who knows
all our flaws and
drawbacks yet still
willingly embraces us
with so much love
and affection.
That is JESUS. Love Him.
→ Because He hath set
His love upon me,
therefore will I deliver Him:
I will set Him on high, because He hath known
my name.- Psalm 91:14.
→ ” .. Do not be terrified;
do not be afraid of them. The Lord your God, who
is going before you,
will fight for you.”- Deut. 1:29,30.
→ “This is what the
Sovereign LORD says :
*See, I lay a stone in Zion,
a tested stone, a
precious cornerstone
for a sure foundation;
the one who trusts will never be dismayed*” (Isaiah 28:16)
Christ is the cornerstone…Have faith on him and
you will never be shaken.
→ Do not rejoice over me,
O my enemy. Though
I fall I will rise; Though
I dwell in darkness,
the LORD is a light for me.- Mic. 7:8
→ “He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth
its fruit in its season…”
Psalm 1 : 3.
The Word of God is the source of all blessings in our life.
When we mediate the
Word of God and treasure them and follow them,
they will lead us through
the path where we can inherit the blessing.
→ This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, medidate …
Observe to do … Then
you will make your way prosperous, and you
will have good success.- Josh. 1:8.
→ Life is a Test.
CHRIST is the Best.
Prayer is a Must.
World is Dust.
If BIBLE is in the Chest Nothing needed Next.
Obey JESUS First.
Success is very Nearest.
→ “I will be glad and rejoice
in thy mercy: for thou
hast considered my
trouble; thou hast known my soul in adversities;”- Psalm. 31:7.
Empty hands provide
space for God to fill
and an open heart means room for God to dwell.
Yes Jesus loves you
beyond measure He
is just beside you carrying you through every battle. Jesus alone can deliver,
just put your trust in Him.

→ My eyes have grown
dim with grief; my whole frame is but a shadow.
Upright men are appalled
at this; the innocent
are aroused against
the ungodly.
Nevertheless, the
righteous will hold to
their ways,
and those with clean
hands will grow stronger.- Job. 17:7,9.
→ Surely mockers surround me; my eyes must dwell
on their hostility.
“Give me, O God, the
pledge you demand.
Who else will put up
security for me.?
You have closed their
minds to undertanding;
therefore you will not
let them triumph.- Job. 17:2,4.
→ “Surely you know how
it has been from of old,
ever since man was
placed on the earth,
that the mirth of the
wicked is brief, the joy
of the godless lasts but
a moment.
- Job. 20:4,5.
→ Do not be quick with
your mouth, do not
be hasty in your heart
to utter anything
before God.
God is in heaven
and you are on earth,
so let your words be few.
As a dream comes
when there are
many cares,
so the speech of
a fool when there are
many words.- Ecc. 5:2,3.
→ When you make a
vow to God, do not
delay in fulfilling it.
He has no pleasure in fools; fulfill your vow.
It is better not to vow
than to make a vow and
not fulfill it.- Ecc. 5:4,5.
→ To the man who pleased Him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner
He gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over
to the one who pleases God. This too is meaningless,
a chasing after the wind.- Ecc. 2:26.


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