Sunday, 8 January 2012


Applications are invited for the posts of (I) Upper Division Clerks,
Group ‘C’ and (II) Multi Tasking Staff, Group ‘D’ in the offices of Haryana Region of the Corporation, which is a Statutory body owned and controlled by Union Ministry of Labour and Employment, Govt. of India, with its Head Quarters at CIG Road, New Delhi-110002.
Candidates having following minimum educational qualifications, prescribed skills and fulfilling following requirements as per Recruitment Rules, may apply ON-LINE through the Regional website : Separate application forms for both the posts are separately uploaded on the website and candidates are required to fill them up and submit ONLINE only. Candidates are required to fill up the particular application form for that particular post for which they want to apply. If a candidate wants to apply for both the posts, he/she should apply separately through both the specified application forms along with separate fees for each post. Candidate will be considered only for the post for which he/she submits the application form along with requisite fees.
Candidates are also required to download the system generated copy of
the application thus submitted ONLINE and submit the hard copy along with
with following Affixures/Enclosers/Signatures :-
For U.D.C
(i) Recent passport size photographs, duly attested by a Gazetted
Officer affixed on the space provided at the top right hand corner.
(ii) Signature in the appropriate box below the Photograph.
(iii) Demand Draft of appropriate value (if not exempted)
(iv) Declaration in his/her own handwriting with signature in the
space provided for it at the end of the Application Form.
For M.T.S
(i) Recent passport size photographs, duly attested by a Gazetted
Officer affixed on the space provided at the top right hand corner.
(ii) Signature in the appropriate box below the Photograph.
(iii) Demand Draft of appropriate value (if not exempted)
(iv) Declaration in his/her own handwriting with signature in the
space provided for it at the end of the Application Form.
(v) Attested Copies of Certificate and testimonials in support of
proof of age, date of birth, educational qualifications, certificate
in support of belonging to a reserved category (if claimed) etc.
(I) Candidates must submit ONLINE Application form on or before
10-01-2012(II) Candidates must also submit the system generated Hard Copy of the application form, submitted ONLINE, affixing a recent passport size photograph in the space provided on the top right hand corner of form, and enclosing the required Certificates/testimonials/Demand Draft, super scribing the envelope as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF –UDC/MTS” so that it reaches the Regional Office, Employees’ State Corporation, Sector -16, Faridabad-121002 latest by 17-01-2012.Candidates may please note that both the ON-LINE application and system generated hard copy of it are necessary for acceptance of their candidature. In case of any form missing, his candidature will not be considered and no correspondence be made in this regard. Incomplete application or applications without prescribed fees (where applicable) will be summarily rejected.


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