Junior Hindi Translator – Group ‘B’ ,Shop Assistant – Group ‘C’, Jobs & Vacancy in Others at National Book Trust, Delhi May 2012
Job or Vacancy Description:
The National Book Trust, a professional body established by the Government of India in the year 1957 for the promotion of books and reading habits in the country is looking for young, dynamic and motivated candidate fulfilling eligibility conditions, for the following positions as detailed below:
Name of the post : Junior Hindi Translator – Group ‘B’ : One Post (Un-reserved)
Pay Band : Pay Band-2 Rs.9300-34800 + GP 4200/-
Essential Qualification & Experience :
Master Degree of a recognized University or equivalent in Hindi or English with English or Hindi as compulsory or elective subject or as a medium of examination at degree level
Desirable :
a) Degree or Diploma in translation from Hindi to English and vice versa from a recognized University.
b) Five years’ experience of using/applying terminology in Hindi and translation work from English to Hindi or vice versa preferable of technical literature.
Job Requirement : Responsible for day to day translation work from English to Hindi and vice versa and implementation of Official Language Policy of the Govt. of India in the
Age Limit : 32 years (relaxable to XSM)
Initial Posting : Head Office, New Delhi
Name of the post : Shop Assistant – Group ‘C’ : One Post (Un-reserved)
Pay Band : Pay Band-2 Rs.5200-20200 + GP 2400/-
Essential Qualification & Experience :
a) A degree from a recognized university
b) Working knowledge of English and Hindi
c) Three years’ experience in book selling
Job Requirement : Responsible for sales, marketing and accounting of NBT books in the Book Shops and in the Book Fairs in a computerized environment.
Age Limit : 32 years (relaxable to XSM)
Initial Posting : Head Office, New Delhi
Fee : Demand Draft for Rs.25/- in favour of Director, National Book Trust, India, Payable at New Delhi should reach the Deputy Director(Est.), National Book Trust, India, A-5, Green Park, New Delhi-110016
How To Apply : The application format and other terms & conditions may be downloaded from NBT’s Website. The applications duly signed along with attested copies of certificates, with passport size photograph (to be pasted on application) and a Demand Draft should reach theDeputy Director(Est.),National Book Trust,India, A-5, Green Park,New Delhi-110016Applicants must superscribe the envelope with the following: “Application for the post of ____________________________.”
General Instructions:
1) Application form and details regarding qualifications are available at the NBT Websitewww.nbtindia.gov.in. The application form for the post can be downloaded from NBT website.
2) Experience should have been obtained after possessing the essential/qualifying educationalqualification. Experience should be in the relevant fields i.e. in the areas of translation workfrom English to Hindi or vice versa (for Sl.No.1) and book selling (for Sl. No.2) in theGovernment or reputed private bodies.
3) Candidates should be computer savvy and familiarity with relevant software packages, havegood communication skills.
4) Mere fulfilling the qualifications does not entitle a candidate to be necessarily considered orcalled for the interview.
5) The NBT reserves the right not to fill up the vacancy as advertised, if the circumstances sowarrant.
6) Candidates serving in Government/Public Sector Undertakings are required to send theirapplications through proper channel.
7) Applications which do not meet the qualifications given in this advertisement and/orincomplete applications will be liable to be summarily rejected.
Candidates should possess the essential qualifications as on the closing date of application.
9) The Trust may hold a written test to shortlist the candidates and no railway fare will be givenfor attending written test.
10) Single II class rail fare to and fro Delhi by the shortest route as per rules shall be reimbursedto the outstation candidates who are called for the interview.
11) Age will be determined on the last date of receipt of applications.
12) Upper age limit is relaxable to Ex-Servicemen as per Govt. of India instructions.
13) No interim correspondence will be entertained with the candidates who are not screened infor test/personal interview/appointment. A list of screened candidates will be posted at NBTwebsite for the notice of candidates.
14.The application duly completed in all respects should reach the Joint Director (Admn. &Finance), National Book Trust, India, Nehru Bhawan, 5, Institutional Area, Phase-II, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi – 110 070
Tentative Last Date :Last date for receipt of application is within 30 days from the date of issue of this advertisement. (Employment News (May 26 – June 1 2012)
About the organization:
It was just about a decade after independence and the nation was going through the arduous process of building itself anew. Foundations were being laid in all areas so that the edifice of prosperity could be built with confidence. The industry of organized publishing, as we know it today, was only in its infancy and books had not percolated to the bottom rungs of the society. There were opportunities like the book fairs for people to see, browse booksIt was at this time,Shri Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru,India’s first Prime Minister, realized that alongwith scientific, technological and industrial advancement,equal emphasis should also be given to the social and culture development of the nation and for which he felt that book reading must be widely propagated to develop in people an abiding interest to understand and appreciate the various cultural and traditional heritage of the country. He him self a great writer and lover of books, Nehru concieved the idea of setting up institutions which without bureaucratic controls and direction could work towards this cause.
Address :
National Book Trust,
India, A-5, Green Park,
New Delhi-110016
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the vacancy details
Job or Vacancy Description:
The National Book Trust, a professional body established by the Government of India in the year 1957 for the promotion of books and reading habits in the country is looking for young, dynamic and motivated candidate fulfilling eligibility conditions, for the following positions as detailed below:
Name of the post : Junior Hindi Translator – Group ‘B’ : One Post (Un-reserved)
Pay Band : Pay Band-2 Rs.9300-34800 + GP 4200/-
Essential Qualification & Experience :
Master Degree of a recognized University or equivalent in Hindi or English with English or Hindi as compulsory or elective subject or as a medium of examination at degree level
Desirable :
a) Degree or Diploma in translation from Hindi to English and vice versa from a recognized University.
b) Five years’ experience of using/applying terminology in Hindi and translation work from English to Hindi or vice versa preferable of technical literature.
Job Requirement : Responsible for day to day translation work from English to Hindi and vice versa and implementation of Official Language Policy of the Govt. of India in the
Age Limit : 32 years (relaxable to XSM)
Initial Posting : Head Office, New Delhi
Name of the post : Shop Assistant – Group ‘C’ : One Post (Un-reserved)
Pay Band : Pay Band-2 Rs.5200-20200 + GP 2400/-
Essential Qualification & Experience :
a) A degree from a recognized university
b) Working knowledge of English and Hindi
c) Three years’ experience in book selling
Job Requirement : Responsible for sales, marketing and accounting of NBT books in the Book Shops and in the Book Fairs in a computerized environment.
Age Limit : 32 years (relaxable to XSM)
Initial Posting : Head Office, New Delhi
Fee : Demand Draft for Rs.25/- in favour of Director, National Book Trust, India, Payable at New Delhi should reach the Deputy Director(Est.), National Book Trust, India, A-5, Green Park, New Delhi-110016
How To Apply : The application format and other terms & conditions may be downloaded from NBT’s Website. The applications duly signed along with attested copies of certificates, with passport size photograph (to be pasted on application) and a Demand Draft should reach theDeputy Director(Est.),National Book Trust,India, A-5, Green Park,New Delhi-110016Applicants must superscribe the envelope with the following: “Application for the post of ____________________________.”
General Instructions:
1) Application form and details regarding qualifications are available at the NBT Websitewww.nbtindia.gov.in. The application form for the post can be downloaded from NBT website.
2) Experience should have been obtained after possessing the essential/qualifying educationalqualification. Experience should be in the relevant fields i.e. in the areas of translation workfrom English to Hindi or vice versa (for Sl.No.1) and book selling (for Sl. No.2) in theGovernment or reputed private bodies.
3) Candidates should be computer savvy and familiarity with relevant software packages, havegood communication skills.
4) Mere fulfilling the qualifications does not entitle a candidate to be necessarily considered orcalled for the interview.
5) The NBT reserves the right not to fill up the vacancy as advertised, if the circumstances sowarrant.
6) Candidates serving in Government/Public Sector Undertakings are required to send theirapplications through proper channel.
7) Applications which do not meet the qualifications given in this advertisement and/orincomplete applications will be liable to be summarily rejected.
9) The Trust may hold a written test to shortlist the candidates and no railway fare will be givenfor attending written test.
10) Single II class rail fare to and fro Delhi by the shortest route as per rules shall be reimbursedto the outstation candidates who are called for the interview.
11) Age will be determined on the last date of receipt of applications.
12) Upper age limit is relaxable to Ex-Servicemen as per Govt. of India instructions.
13) No interim correspondence will be entertained with the candidates who are not screened infor test/personal interview/appointment. A list of screened candidates will be posted at NBTwebsite for the notice of candidates.
14.The application duly completed in all respects should reach the Joint Director (Admn. &Finance), National Book Trust, India, Nehru Bhawan, 5, Institutional Area, Phase-II, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi – 110 070
Tentative Last Date :Last date for receipt of application is within 30 days from the date of issue of this advertisement. (Employment News (May 26 – June 1 2012)
About the organization:
It was just about a decade after independence and the nation was going through the arduous process of building itself anew. Foundations were being laid in all areas so that the edifice of prosperity could be built with confidence. The industry of organized publishing, as we know it today, was only in its infancy and books had not percolated to the bottom rungs of the society. There were opportunities like the book fairs for people to see, browse booksIt was at this time,Shri Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru,India’s first Prime Minister, realized that alongwith scientific, technological and industrial advancement,equal emphasis should also be given to the social and culture development of the nation and for which he felt that book reading must be widely propagated to develop in people an abiding interest to understand and appreciate the various cultural and traditional heritage of the country. He him self a great writer and lover of books, Nehru concieved the idea of setting up institutions which without bureaucratic controls and direction could work towards this cause.
Address :
National Book Trust,
India, A-5, Green Park,
New Delhi-110016
Click above to download
the vacancy details
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