Thursday 1 September 2011


I Wishez for U
Gr8 start for Monday
No Hurdlez for Tuesday
No pain for Wednesday
No worriez for Thursday
Smyle for Friday
Parti for Saturday
& Gr8 funn for Sunday
Have aa beauty ful and smart weeeek.
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

I woke up 2day smiling as I recall
Our friendship because I know that years from
Now, I will still be waking up smiling
4 the same reason.
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

I woke up a few hours ago, but
Somehow I feel incomplete til I remembered I
Haven't texted u yet. Have a pleasant morning!
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

If i were to describe true love than
I wud describe it as what a snowman
Did to a snow woman, he gave her
A warm hug and they both melted in
Each others arms.
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

If u have a problem don't say "hey
I have a big problem" rather say "problem...
I have a big GOD."
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

In the ocean of lyf, GOD s our
Bouyant force, no matter how strong d wind
& how gigantic d waves r, we will
Not sink bcoz we r anchored 2 HIM
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

It was very rainy day when u were
Born, but it was not the rain, it
Was the sky who was crying bcoz it
Lost its most beautiful star.
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

Let Jesus guide you in all your plans,
In all your dreams, in all your wish
To happen in your life. God bless.
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

Life cud b so bad. Situation might be
So hard but the knowledge that you have
GOD is something that cheers you up.
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

Life is good when somebody cares. Life is
Uplifting when someone is always there. Life is
Great when someone would protect you and suffer.
Cherish life because God loves you always.
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

LIFE is mixture of sunshine and rain, teardrops
And laughter, pleasure and pain. Just remember, there
Was never a cloud that the sun couldn't
Shine through.
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

Love begins w/a smile, grows w/a kiss, ends
W/a tear. Wen u wer born, u wer
Crying & evryone around u was smiling. Live
Yr life so dat wen u die, u
R d 1 smiling & evryone around u is crying.
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

Love Yourself First
And Everything Else Falls Into Line.
You Really Have To Love Yourself
To Get Anything Done In This World.
Good Luck
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

Luck Is Yours Wishes Are Mine Let's Ur Future Be Always Shine. Best Of Luck
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

May God Stay With U This Day
& Give U Peace Of Mind.
May God Give U A Happy Heart
& His Love All The Time. Good Luck
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

Never regret a day in ur life,
Good days give u happiness.
Bad days give u experience.
Both are essential in life.
All are god's blessings.
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

Never Say U R Happy When U R Sad..
Never Say U R Fine When U R Not Ok..
Never Say U Feel Good When U Feel Bad,..
Never Say U R Alone When I M Still Alive�
Good Luck And Best Wishes For Ever����.
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

Of all d smiles u received today, der
Was a smile u didn't c. A smile
Not from d lips, but straight from d
Heart - a smile that came from me.
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

Once U find some 1 u realy luv,
Try ur hardest not 2 loose them,
So dat yu wil never get da feelling of lonelyness
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

Rain of summer, snow of winter, grace of autumn,
Glory of spring, May beauty of every season give
Ur heart a beautiful reason 2 smile.May God suceed
U in every exams of ur life. Good luck and God bless u.
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

Soft Speech Clean Heart,
Peaceful Eyes, Strengthful Hands,
Focussed Mind And Determined Decision With God's Love.
Alway Makes You Winner.<<<<<<>>>>>>>
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

Sometimes We Must Be Hurt In Order To Grow,
Sometimes We Must Fail In Order To Know,
Sometimes We Must Lose In Order To Gain
Because Some Lessons In Life Are Best Learned Through Pain.
Have A Blessed Day !
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

Sum timez v must b hurt in order to grow,
Sum timez v must fail in order to no,
Sum timez v must lose in order to gain
Bcoz sum lessonz in life r best learned through pain.
Hav a blessssed day !
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

Sunrise meks our mornings beutiful, but d words
Of GOD strengthen us & mek our lives
More meaningful. Smile & enjoy life!
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

Thank u 4 touching my life in ways
U may never know. My riches do not
Lie in material wealth but in having friends
Like u - a precious gift from God!!!
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

The bad things in life open your eyes
To the good things you weren't paying attention to before.
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

U may not know where life's road will
Lead you. But keep moving. God is walking
With you.
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

Walk w/ d Lord when ur heart needs
Company. Take His hand when u feel all
Alone. Turn 2 Him when u need some1
2 lean on. He's d only 1 u
Can always rely on.
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

What are the differences between a peso and a friend?
A peso is easy to earn, a friend is hard to find.
A peso loses its value, a friend increases its worth.
I don't have a peso but I have you.
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

When Life Gets Difficult, When The Tasks Become
Tiring, When Your Heart Is Giving Up, Remember
That The SNAIL Got To Noah's ark ....
Inch by inch! .. Good day
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

When Things Go Wrong�
When Sadness Fills Ur Heart�
When Tears Flow In Ur Eyes�Always Remember 3 Things
2�Ur Parents
3�My Sincere Prayers�..God Luck&God Bless U.
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

When U Face Problems In Life,
Don't Ask God To Take Them Away.
Ask Him To Show His Purpose
Ask Ways How To Live A Day
Searching His Purpose For You.
God Bless And Very Best Of Luck!!!
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

When you find a dream inside your heart,
Don't ever let it go.... For dreams are
The tiny seeds from which beautiful tomorrows grow.
~ Bless You SMS Text Message

With my
1 Hearttt...
2 eyez...
5 liters blood...
206 bonezz...
1.2 milion Red Cells...
60 trilion dnas...
I wish u Al da very blessssed day
~ Bless You SMS Text Message 


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