Thursday 1 September 2011

0 Jokes SMS

Teacher: Most of the tamillians or having black color face! Why?
Student: Bcoz they or always watching SUN & SURYA TV
~ Jokes SMS Text Message

I'm sorry that I'm running late! There is a power failure and I am stuck on the escalator.
~ Jokes SMS Text Message

Love is photogenic; it needs darkness to develop
~ Jokes SMS Text Message

Memories last forever, they simply never die,
True friends stay together - they NEVER say good-bye.
~ Jokes SMS Text Message

True love is like a pillowu could HUG it when u r in trouble U could CRY on it when u r in pain U could EMBRACE it when u r happy
Want True Love?
Spend Rs.50 BUY A PILLOW
~ Jokes SMS Text Message

whats the diff between bustop and wineshop?
Bustop is the place where LOVE starts.
Wineshop is the place where LOVE ends
~ Jokes SMS Text Message

What's the quietest place in the world?
The complaint department at the parachute packing plant
~ Jokes SMS Text Message

Girls are like phones,
We like to be held and talked too,
But if you press the wrong button you'll be disconnected!
~ Jokes SMS Text Message

What's the difference between stress, tension and panic?
Stress is when wife is pregnant,
Tension is when girlfriend is pregnant,
Panic is when both are pregnant.
~ Jokes SMS Text Message

Ques. -> Can a Kangaroo Jump Higher than the
Eiffel Tower.??
Ans. : Yes, because the Eiffel Tower Can't Jump�
Think different�
~ Jokes SMS Text Message

Love cafe
Teacher: which is d oldest animal in the world?
Santa: Zebra
Teacher: shocked Y?
Santa: Bcoz it is black & white
~ Jokes SMS Text Message

American: do you know swimming?
Indian: no
American: dog is better than you, it swims
Indian: do you know swimming?
American: yes
Indian: then what's the difference between you and dog.
~ Jokes SMS Text Message

Techer : 2mrow Thr Wil B A Lectur
On Sun Every1 Mst Attend It.
Kid : No Mam I Wil Not B Able 2 Attend It
T : Why
Kid : My Mother Will Not Allow Me To Go So Farr
~ Jokes SMS Text Message

High level cnfidnce
Teacher 2 student: If u tel me, where is GOD, i'll reward u 100 rupees
Student : n If u tell me where GOD is not, i'll reward u 200 rupees.
~ Jokes SMS Text Message

A depressed engg. Student went 4 sucide
Train come closer & closer
But suddenly jumped out of the track & said
Have to submit the assignment tomorrow
~ Jokes SMS Text Message 


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